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K-Food Trip: Korean Noodles (ë©´)

Taste the best Noodle (Meon) in Korea

Get ready to devour dry, cold, and hot noodle soups, which is the three iconic variety of noodle soups in Korea. 


In summer, we cool down heat waves with cold noodles such as Naengmyeon (cold noodles in beef broth), maemilmeon(buckwheat noodles),

Kong-gooksoo (rice noodles in soy bean broth).

1 / Jjajang myeon (짜장면)

2 / Jjamppong (짬뽕)
3 / Maemil myeon(메밀면)

4 / Janchi-gooksoo (잔치국수) 

5 / Bibim myeon (비빔면)

/ Kal-gooksoo (칼국수)

7 / Naengmyeon (냉면)

/ Cholmyeon (ì«„ë©´)

9 / Kong-gooksoo(콩국수)

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