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Empowering Your K-Food Business and Beyond @I Love Food Bazaar

Nov 30 - K-FoodPioneer hosted Korean food talkshow at I Love Food Bazaar

K-FoodPioneer participated in the I Love Food Bazaaar event at Plaza Indonesia to celebrate the diverse culintary culture at Indonesia. During the event, K-FoodPioneer also launched "Empowering Your K-Food Business and Beyond" talkshow with Petrus Gandamana, Founder of BARECA Media to enrich locals who want to open K-Food business in Indonesia.

The I Love Food Bazaar was organized by World Fashionpreneur Connect (WFC). The opening was commenced by Zamri Mamat, Deputy Chief Marketing Officer of Plaza Indonesia, Dahlia Sardjono and Moskwita (Vita) Darmawan, WFC Founders and William Wongso, Indonesian Culinary Observer and Practitioner - he also shown his support at K-FoodPioneer's booth.

As part of the 29 curated exhibitors at the event, K-FoodPioneer took an important role in enriching the local dining in Indonesia and providing business insights for K-Food entrepreneurs as Korean cuisine continue to soar in popularity among the locals.

"The popularity of K-Food in Indonesia is growing daily due to people's love for K-Pop, K-Drama and K-Beauty. When they saw these shows, quite a few people wanted to taste this food in Indonesia, without having to go to South Korea first" Joanne J. Lee, CEO & Founder of K-FoodPioneer

Furthermore, Joanne J. Lee, CEO & Founder of K-FoodPioneer aso launched the "Empowering your K-Food Business and Beyond" talking on Dec 1 to help K-Food entrepreneurs pursue their passsion and maximize their business success. K-FoodPioneer had an amazing opportunity to launch the talkshow with Dahlia Sardjono, Host and Moderator, along with Ir. Petrus Gandamana, MM, Publisher and Founder of BARECA Media.

"With the teaching method with chefs and business people in Korea in the K-Food Academy, business people who are interested in managing a business with a variety of culinary businesses from South Korea, can learn how to process products and manage a Korean food business, especially for the target market. in Indonesia," Joanne J. Lee, CEO & Founder of K-FoodPioneer

Along with business insights, Joanne also focused on other traditional Korean culinary delights that were not known by the locals in Indoneisa, such as tteok, yeot, samgyetang, jeon, and even Korean desserts such as bingsoo. The audience got a chance to explore more authentic Korean foods other than the mainstream fried chicken, ramyeon and rice cakes in Indonesia.

Throughout the talkshow, the audience had actively engaged in asking more questions, participated in mini-game about Korean food and got the chance to try surprise treats that were brought directly from Korea.

Media: Bareca Media | Now Jakarta

K-FoodPioneer would like to shout out to Plaza Indonesia and the World Fashionpreneur Connect team for giving us a platform to connect with the K-Food enthusiasted audience and empowering them to maxize success for many more K-Food ventures in Indonesia. K-FoodPioneer will continue to launch more meaningful K-Food events to the world.

Stay tuned!

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